Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Shambolic Ceremony

Hi guys. This is my first blog i have been writing here. Today,i am going to concentrate on CWG 2010. The scandal hit CWG got off today,finally. Inspite of all the scandals and complaints over security and cleanliness,i am proud that we made a tremendous opening ceremony. It surpassed all my expectations and doubts i had. The arrangements of the stadium was truly good. As this is just a CWG and not Olympics, i think we should be only concentrating on only previous CWG opening ceremonies and in that view,i rate this CWG ceremony higher.

Now without spamming around and speaking highly about the ceremony,i will get to the point of creating this blog.What did England give us during their rule? They gave us technology, railways, post offices, taught us a way to live, they united our states(if not,our kings would have created thousands of tiny states and we could have been another USSR), they also gave us the required stuff to become a developing nation, got us out of kings and their monarchy. They also created a non secular nation and created Jammu conflict.
Oops. I almost forgot they gave us FREEDOM guys.From past 60 yrs,we are free from UK and their rule. But the CWG made me think once again whether we are really free and independent. If UK is no more ruling us,then wy the hell did Prince Charles open the CWG held in India? Why not our President alone along with some national athlete who made India proud sometime in the past? It irritates to see him sitting next to our President. Afterall,he is not even a president of some great nation. He is just a heir of the Queen. If India cant give a deserved respect what an Indian deserve,then wy call it a freedom and independent nation? I feel ashamed as the topic was even considered and debated in top media channels over who should be opening the ceremony.I dont know how others take it. But i felt embarrassed seeing this news all over. Another shame is other countries demanded a security which checks our Prime Ministers' car regardless of his post. Our MPs and MLAs are not allowed directly without a security check. Sad news is India didnt respond strongly at all. Again,media debated about it rather than taking responsibility and do something good. They dont care as we dont demand them anything. We adjust to any new rules and changes. If government cant provide an answer on behalf of our ministers,what will they do when a common man is questioned by other nations?Our ministers may be corrupt and create problems inside the nation. But they are the ones whom we elected. Other nations are demanding too much from us as i feel. Is it due to inability of government to answer them or the habit of adjusting to varied embarassing situations by Indians?
Please do share what u feel folks.My grammer may be wrong and the approach may not be effective.But the point is clear.I am ashamed and embarassed at the people who opened the ceremony,but i am proud at the way ceremony took off. Jaihind.


  1. Keep going Manu.. Even grammar is good. Ya Its up to mark. Even you could have covered the positive things to in beginning of the post. Use respective English as much as possible. And one more thing Be cool about politicians because they r also common Citizens just like us but elected by us.

  2. The first things i wanna tell is that we cant afford this CWG.. where crores of people live without the basic needs.. we should not be spending SIXTY THOUSAND CRORES.. yeah down the line after 15-20 yrs.. it would have been differnt.. i agree this osught of event puts your country in the elite league but the preparation was not handeled properly.. its a shame.. money spent & objective not achieved... manu.. do well.. but be little positive...

  3. Sorry bro..i have to disagree with u..we can afford this increases revenue n international respect man..i accept preparations were not good..but they came back to put a wonderful show..even d objectives may be fulfilled same way..who knows..

  4. Good going Manoj, Ofcourse I accept with you our nation can afford this cwg, But however the politicians do not analyse it to be so important for our nation as they are not much aware of it or many of the citizens in india do not give much importance to it.
    Most of the politicians of india will do the tasks which are profitable for them, They frame the rules which are profitable for them from a small extent to large extent.
    Ofcourse One person cannot change the world until the other population obeys it like an example without students there will be no school or teachers and so on.
    As we are the large population country one rule cannot make any difference to the population, To frame a rule there is a need of highly educated person in politics than just a normally educated person like to solve a complex problem you need to study higher to get the knowledge of it.
    Most of the politicians are not well educated in india its the main reason why india lacks many things. During elections the less educated peoples will play a strategic & major roles to get them-selves elected by the people and most of the people do not analyse it as many people will not be aware of them or much of the poor people will be provided with the basic necessities during the election period.
